Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

Okay, I'm gonna do it. I say the same thing every year, but this year is going to be different. Maybe if I word it differently it will be easier to accomplish. Hmmmm.... okay here goes,

1) I will read my bible everyday.
2) I will become a highly organized individual at home, work, and in my car.
3) I will not rob Peter to pay Paul anymore.
4) I will get fit.

Okay, that does it for me. Hopefully since it's so short it will be attainable. Since I'm doing so good maybe I should do them for my kids to save them some time :)

1) I will learn that "no" is a complete sentence.
2) I will not ask "Why can't I drive" when I failed the driver's test two times in a week becauseI didn't study so I don't have my permit yet.
3) I will not complain about being late to work or activities because I have to wait on mom to do her other five hundred errands.

Aspie 8 year old
1) I will learn to pick up after myself.
2) I will brush my teeth everyday without being reminded.
3) I will not play Playstation 2, or PSP every waking hour I am able.

Okay I'm on a roll. Now for the DH.
1) I will not complain when I have no socks because when I do laundry it doesn't get folded or put up and ends back on the floor which makes them dirty again.
2) I will not hog the covers.
3) I will at least one day this year ask my wife if she needs me to do anything for her and mean it.
4) I will no longer tell my wife she is a clutter bug. She knows she's a clutter bug and I know she will not give me the satisfaction of admitting that fact to me, ever.

Well that's it for now. I'm sure I could think of a thousand more for each of us but less is more (that's my new organizational motto!).

Have a Great New Year!


Karen Schmautz said...

Heh! Can I borrow yours? My youngest is 12 and he still needs me to remind him to brush his teeth every day

...oh, and he needs me to remind him to take a bath.

...oh, and he just got a PSP (I's one of those little hand-held game machines) and I have to set time limits on his gaming.

jmiller said...

Sure, I'll share. I'm saving the bath resolution until next year (don't want to overwhelm him yet :)