Thursday, January 05, 2006

Invaded by the flu

The stomach flu invaded my house last Friday. My little one lost six pounds this week. Poor thing. It's made him grumpy too. He does not like bland diets, let me tell you. We had to visit the nurse practitioner on Tuesday and I could tell she was apprehensive about asking for a urine sample after the last visit. Here is the reason why...

About a month ago he had to go for a sinus infection. While he was there I mentioned that he seemed to drink a lot more than other kids. The nurse wanted his urine checked. The medical assistant handed him a cup. He looked at her like she was crazy and she said: "I need you to to pee in the cup." My son sat back and looked at her and said: "I refuse." She looked shocked (as I'm sure I did) and said "why." He said. "That's just gross." She told him he wasn't old enough to refuse yet. I took him into the bathroom to do his business and he tried to tell me the same thing. I told him that I had the grossest part because I had to hold the cup. This made him happy so he went about his business without even a mess.

Things did not go so well this time. I had to beg, plead and then threaten to have them use a catheter on him. This time was messy.

Ah the life of a parent. Never dull.

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