Friday, February 16, 2007

Oh My Valentine!

My Aspie son has his first crush, although he doesn't actually know he has a crush yet. Let me explain...

There is a young girl in his classroom that has taken a liking to him. The first few weeks of school she would tell everyone that she was going to marry him. He would grin but say he hated her. Several people have teased him about her to the point of him declaring he "hates ugly so and so". He has been picking on her every chance he gets since then.

I dropped him off one day and was talking to his teacher. As soon as he put his things away he went right over to where she was and sat down. I mentioned this to the teacher and he said it was like this all day long, either him going over to her, or her going over to him.

Well, last Tuesday I was filling out his Valentines and I kept asking him to come and help me. He said he was not giving one to her. I told him if he did not come and help me then I would write her a card that says he loves her. Well that got his goat. He stomped over and plopped on the couch. I suggested we find the least "loveable" card to give her. That seemed to pacify him. We went through what each one said and go to one that said "I hope you have an Enchanted day" or something like that. He asked me what that meant and for lack of a definition on the spot I said it was sort of like falling in love or something. He said good, he would put on there that it was so she could fall in love with someone other than him (the little stink).

Well, he called me that next day and he had gotten in trouble at school and had to stand in the corner. When I asked him what for he said it was because he tried to hit the girl. Mom was in the background telling him to tell me why he did that and he said it was because she tried to kiss him. Of course I explained to him that we never ever hit girls under any circumstances. He said he would do it again if she tried to kiss him again.

Ahh young love!!!

On the older love drama, my oldest son came home with a hickie. He said "we just did it to see if you would get mad about it". Well let's just say he found out the answer to that and I don't think he'll be seen within a mile of her dad anytime soon.

Till next time :)

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