Monday, September 28, 2009

God is so good!

With the recent changes in my life, He has seen to it that every need is met. I don't know why I continue to worry when things get hard, He always pulls me through and puts the right people in my life at the right time. Thank you Lord for being so good to me and helping me get through this mess I'm going through.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Update on my soldier!

I got a text from my soldier son yesterday. He's getting promoted to Private First Class next Friday! He also made soldier of the month. He is doing so amazing. I truly believe this is what he was meant to do. He is flourishing. He is doing pretty good in school too, they are letting him take college courses in the evenings at the local university where he's stationed. I'm so proud of him!!


Well, the foot ended up in a cast that next Monday! My nerves couldn't take the falling and unsteadiness of the boot. He has fallen six times since he broke it and this past Monday hurt his other foot and has been unable to walk on it much. We go back to the doctor on Monday. Pray it's healing and he can start putting some weight on it!

Friday, April 10, 2009


It hurts me to even look at it. He swears it does not bother him. I promise it did not look this bad even two days after his accident. Last Friday, my young aspie fell off the bus when he got to school. The nurse tried to get me but I was at the doctor all day so she got my husband instead. It was not even bruised that day. I did not see it until the next morning, I had stayed all night at the hospital with a sick aunt, another story for another time. When I saw it, it was swollen, but I didn't not see the bruise right away.

I had my f-i-l, who is a physician, come wrap it and we put it in the boot that we had from where he broke his foot last spring. He was getting around fine, swearing it didn't hurt all weekend.

Sunday he went to a friends house in the boot and fell again. He skinned his knee pretty bad. I looked at his foot that night and I saw the black bruise under his ankle, along with some swelling. This is what it looked like then,

I kept the boot on and just figured it was sprained. He still promises it does not hurt. Wednesday night I look at it closely again and the first pic is what I saw. Of course I am a worrisome mother, but please, black toes.... We had to go get an x-ray Thursday morning first thing.

Probably needless to say, but the doctor was not happy with me. The dern thing is broken very bad. I had to beg him not to cast it. It is hard enough for him to get around in a boot. We had to rent a knee-walker, which is very cool by the way, and he cannot put an ounce on it until we go back at the end of the month or he will cast it, and he is not coordinated enough for crutches.

There are several bright sides to this though. First, he's not active anyway, so it's not going to change a lot. Second, it does not bother him at all, although the doctor seems to think it will. I didn't bother picking up his pain meds. The school is picking up the scooter rental since he broke it at school and insurance won't cover it. The best thing of all is that the Occupational Therapist had recommend we get him a scooter, although not to this extreme, that it would be the first step in him learning to ride a bike. He's learning to maneuver around the house pretty good and actually got out to go to lunch with us today;)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Well, I have another IEP meeting scheduled in the morning. If it goes as I expect it to, I will be handing them a letter of my intent to file for a due process hearing. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

100 Things

Okay, so Argon One had posted a list of 100 things asked if had ever been done. I decided to copy and put my own answers on my blog. Turns out I'm pretty boring. I guess have a lot to do to catch up!!!

01. Start your own blog -- Yes
02. Sleep under the stars -- No
03. Play in a band -- No
04. Visit Hawaii -- No
05. Watch a meteor shower -- No
06. Give more than you can afford to charity -- Yes
07. Go to Disneyworld – Yes, a few times
08. Climb a mountain -- No
09. Hold a praying mantis -- No
10. Sing a solo – Yes, when I was very young
11. Bungee jump -- No
12. Visit Paris – No, but would love to!
13. Watch a lightning storm at sea – No (unless you count on tv ;
14. Teach yourself an art technique -- No
15. Adopt a child -- No
16. Eat sushi -- No
17. Walk to the top of the Statue of Liberty -- No
18. Grow your own vegetables -- No
19. See the Mona Lisa in France -- No
20. Sleep on an overnight train -- No
21. Have a pillow fight -- No
22. Hitch hike -- No
23. Look at the rings of Saturn through a telescope -- No
24. Build a snow fort – No, just a snowman
25. Hold a lamb – No, but my son has
26. Climb to the top of a lighthouse -- No
27. Run a Marathon -- No
28. Ride in a gondola in Venice -- No
29. See a total eclipse -- Yes [both solar and lunar]
30. Watch a sunrise or sunset – Yes
31. Hit a home run -- No
32. Go on a cruise -– Almost, had a death in the family the day b4 we were supposed to go.
33. See Niagara Falls in person -- No
34. Visit the birthplace of your ancestors -- Yes
35. Visit an Amish community -- No
36. Teach yourself a new language -- No
37. Have enough money to be truly satisfied -- No
38. See the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person -- No
39. Go rock climbing -- No
40. See Michelangelo's David -- No
41. Sing karaoke in public -- No
42. See Old Faithful geyser erupt in person -- No
43. Buy a stranger a meal at a restaurant -- No
44. Visit Africa -- No
45. Walk on a beach by moonlight -- No
46. Ride in a helicopter -- No
47. Have your portrait painted – Yes, by my grandmother
48. Go deep sea fishing -- No
49. See the Sistine Chapel in person -- No
50. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris -- No
51. Go scuba diving or snorkeling -- No
52. Kiss in the rain -- No
53. Play in the mud -- No
54. Watch a movie at a drive-in theater -- Yes
55. Be in a movie -- No
56. Visit the Great Wall of China -- No
57. Start a business -- No
58. Take a martial arts class -- No
59. Visit Russia -- No
60. Serve meals at a soup kitchen -- No
61. Sell Girl Scout cookies -- Yes
62. Go whale watching -- No
63. Get or send flowers for no reason -- Yes
64. Donate blood, platelets or plasma -- No
65. Go sky diving -- No
66. Visit a Nazi Concentration Camp -- No
67. Adopt a pet from a rescue shelter -- Yes
68. Pilot an airplane -- No
69. Save a favorite childhood toy –- Yes
70. Visit the Lincoln Memorial -- No
71. Eat Caviar -- No
72. Make a quilt – Tried to
73. Stand in Times Square -- Yes
74. Tour the Everglades -- No
75. Visit the Viet Nam Memorial -- No
76. See the Changing of the Guard in London -- No
77. Drive a race car -- No
78. Ride on a speeding motorcycle -- No
79. See the Grand Canyon in person -- No
80. Publish a book -- No
81. Visit the Vatican -- No
82. Buy a brand new car – No
83. Walk in Jerusalem -- No
84. Have your picture in the newspaper -- No
85. Read the entire Bible -- No
86. Visit the White House -- No
87. Kill and prepare an animal for eating -- No
88. Hike the Appalachian Trail -- No
89. Save someone's life -- No
90. Sit on a jury – Yes, was the foreperson!
91. Meet someone famous -- Yes
92. Join a book club --No
93. Own an iPod -- Yes
94. Have a Facebook page -- Yes
95. See the Alamo in person -- No
96. Swim in the Great Salt Lake – No, but saw it
97. Cross country snow ski -- No
98. Hold a snake -- No
99. See DaVinci’s Starry Night in person -- No
100. Read an entire book in one day – Yes, quite often actually