Thursday, April 12, 2007

I am sooo Bummed out!

I have been really really busy lately and have not been able to post, but I just have to get my frustrations out.

I have discovered that Goodwill has an auction site, can you believe that?!? I have found so many great deals and bought many wonderful, some brand new things for practically nothing. Well, yesterday afternoon in those last few minutes before the workday ends, when it's too late to start working on something, but too early to go ahead and leave, I was browsing the website. What do I find you might ask? Well, I found a 43 pieced set of my great-grandmother's china for $9.95. I am missing several pieces of the set, so this would be perfect to complete it. Granted the shipping was $40, which is a little steep, but for that much antique china it would have been a steal.

Well I put my bid in with a max of $15, with only two hours to go and no bids already. I left work and went home where the power had been out since early that afternoon. I didn't think anything of it because no one was bidding on the china, so I thought I was a shoo in. The power did not come back on until 4:30 a.m. this morning, so I did not get to look at it anymore last night.

When I got in this morning and checked, I had lost the set by $1. Can you believe that????? One lousy dollar. This totally depresses me because now I have looked at what the pieces are going for seperately and it will cost a small fortune to complete the set piece by piece.

On the bright side though, this is the third time I've seen the set, once at an antique shop, once at my local Goodwill, and now online, so hopefully it will turn up again :)